Monday, August 8, 2022

Aged Like Milk

I'm old

An old man

Old Man Dan now

No longer full of spitfire I am?


Nap-time in the afternoons, sure

I don't push to become a sprawling success

I didn't work like a dog to become one either

Dogs like naps in the afternoons

Mostly, I feel bad for those that did bark and bite all day

And still didn't get anywhere out of the doghouse or rat-race

Compared to simple animals - barely a brain among them

Hard times to put all that energy into nothing

For a slim to none chance at making the headlines

At least I've seen past the bullshit that is advertising

"American Dream"

"Work Hard Play Hard"

"Do it For the Culture"

"40 Hours a Week"

"Real Men Put in Work"

There's this macho mentality that working til death is a good thing

I guess I'm not 'man enough' to die

Oh wait, I have a penis

I guess I am 'man enough' to tell those people they have no lives to lead anyway

But guess what? I do

I'm nice, just not to those that live as cavemen and Neanderthals

I know what I have to do

I know what I have to feel

I know what I have to take

That power and throw it back at them

And it's because I'm 40 years old

And I'm still mad

I still have anger coursing thru me

It'll never go away

And I still have to deal with everybody and their moron dad

Being idiots in the workplace

I'm not putting up with bullshit

I see old-school values held onto

As if there's really value in traditional

Except hypothetically

And historically

I have to tear it all down and destroy it all

And I have to do it because I have to fight

One man versus everybody

Because I am angry and I am all the time irritated

I don't know anybody that isn't in pain regularly

Yet, all I hear is low-key complaining

As I'm doing right now.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Papa's Blues

I want it all
I want everything
I deserve everything

Nobody has the right to go against me
Or defy me

You piece of shit
You talk too much
You are an emotional child
You are a liar

You are wrong
Always no good
Always wrong!

Family is everything
Trouble calls
And I run to save them

It's all I have

Without them
They tell me I'm nothing
I believe them

The truth is
I don't believe them though.

I hate them
They keep me down
They all lie
They've kept me down
My entire life
But for some reason I still love them
Truth is
I'm fucked up
Beyond belief
Because of their

They've hurt me
But I can't get away
I'm stuck
I can't get out
Everyone else has lives to lead
Since I never did anything
I'm stuck taking care of the family
That hurt me

I don't deserve this
I don't deserve anything
I don't deserve anybody

I didn't want any of this
I don't want YOU
I don't want anything.

Friday, May 13, 2022


When I see you
I see myself

That warms my heart
You're me

When I see you
My ancestry took over

So what did you get from her?
I don't know

Maybe you'll get her heart
I'll know this

When I see you care
Show your nurturing self

When you sacrifice
For them

I know you're me

Expect nothing in return
You're her

When I'll know you are her
Is when you get quiet

Not sharing your feelings
Because you know

They'll hurt

Even though we need to
Know the truth

Know we are not all kind
Know we are selfish

Then I'll know
There's hope for you

I hope I see you

And grow

Monday, January 3, 2022


You're beautiful to me

I like your face

I think about you a lot

You're a wonderful woman

I think you're very hot

Let's go see Killer Klowns from Outer Space

It's your favorite horror movie

Because I wanna take you to a midnight screening

You hate flying?

Oh wow cause I love to fly

But either way it doesn't matter

Cause I love you no matter what

You keep me motivated

Can't wait to spend time with you

Spooning of Spoons

Someday a jetpack

I love your humour

100% loyally yours

How much I care

So much more than I let on

I love you

Your laugh is something I always wanna hear

If you are the moon I'm lunar

I wanna touch your rear

Let's talk music, films, music and kiss

All night long

It's your sweetness that I seem to always miss

I see you and I hear a song

You're so sweet

And caring

It's nice to know that you're around

Don't Do What I Did

I pissed away the prime of my life
because I was working for punkass corporations
that didn't care about me

They bought me with trinkets instead of true independence
And I'm angry about it now
More fire than ever
To make it on my own

I'm only working with punks from now on
I will still work with corporations
But never for corporations

Selling out only on my own terms
I'll be hook and the worms

Contracts signed
I write the book I make the words

No more belief
No more sheep
An independent
Without the herds

Lots more money
I sleep better at night
Because I do it my way
Making value

All of us
Deserve better
All of us
Should feel like royalty

I do this for myself
And I do it for my family
If a schmuck like me can do it
So can you