Sunday, December 31, 2023

in the beginning and in the middle

It used to be sex, and oddly enough

Sex brought me into my middle life, and with it, my daughter

I am a creature of habit

I used to go after orgasms

But now I go for being the right example

As a father

It makes me smile

Knowing that the sex that brought me so much joy

Brought me something even more joyous in my everyday way of life

My kin

My everything now

It's so weird to connect the two but that's

Just how it is

A simple connection

Of a complex connection

Love and sexual passion brought

Another being into my everyday

Someone that continues and continues

To bring joy in my every way

Just by being the adventurer she is at 3 years old

Every time I say something or ask her questions

I know what I'm doing - kind of

I'm teaching her mass critical thinking

Even more of an ironic deal I've been given

Is that when she experiences new things

It gives her joy

Which seeing her do that is also a new experience

For me.